27,626 children
have received the gift of sight

value of donated services

50 states
mobile clinic program

1 Congressional Bill
being drafted

3 million people impacted
about public service

100 countries

I was born with a cataract and underwent several surgeries, which gave me the best chance of having vision.  The more time I spent in the hospital, the more I learned that not everyone in need of medical attention is fortunate to receive care.  I created Vision For and From Children to afford other children the eye surgeries and vision services they so desperately need and deserve.  Millions of children are visually impaired, yet most have conditions that are easily diagnosed and corrected with access to treatment.  Vision For and From Children has helped to provide 54,626 children from around the world with the gift of sight!  It is my hope that, together, you and I will enable others to see the sun and moon! “IMPACT begins with ‘I’™.”



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Diplomats of Vision For and From Children create, initiate, and generate fundraising and awareness projects. Be a Diplomat and bring the gift of sight to children around the world. Vision For and From Children is seeking a Diplomat in your neighborhood! Apply now!



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